Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I was thinking about this flyting thing and was wondering if contests where speakers try to one up eachother count?  The intention here would not be to outright criticize an opponent, instead the objective would be to diminish their person by revealing how the speaker was superior.  I am reminded of the case of Arthur's knights of the round table who would sit around telling stories of grand adventure trying to out-do one another.

Also, could there be second party flyting?  I am thinking of the old playground discourse, "My dad could beat-up your dad."  If this is flyting, then isn't flyting present in every competitive sport? For instance, if I were to tell a friend of mine how inferior his favorite sports team was in comparison to another team would that be a flyting remark?  I don't know who is going to win the Superbowl. But, I have a friend who is a Patriots fan, and it sure is funny watching him get riled up when I say the Giants are going to win.

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